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Foresight Pricing

Erkennen Sie Wandel, entdecken Sie Wachstumschancen. Mit Trend- und Technologieradaren, Umfeldscanning, Startup-Scouting und mehr.

Mehr über Foresight erfahren →

Ideation Pricing

Finden und entwickeln Sie die richtigen Ideen, um Herausforderungen schnell zu lösen, Chancen zu nutzen und die Erfolgsaussichten zu steigern. Beschleunigen Sie den Weg von der Idee bis zur Marktreife.

Mehr über Ideation erfahren →

Portfolio Pricing

Managen Sie Wachstums- und Transformationsinitiativen, Programme und Projekte mit Portfolios und Roadmaps und treiben Sie Innovationen aus zentralen und dezentralen Perspektiven voran.

Mehr über Portfolio erfahren →


Für kleine Teams, mit leistungsstarken Funktionen für die Zusammenarbeit

Team beinhaltet:

  • Radar configuration Modify the radar view to reflect what is important to you.
  • Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
  • Template configuration Modify Foresight templates to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.
  • Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.


Für große, verteilte Teams, mit leistungsstarker Konfiguration, SSO und dediziertem Customer Success Manager

Alles in Team-Paket, plus:

  • Custom foresight templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, custom layout and relations.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
  • Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
Beliebteste Option


Für globale Teams zur Skalierung von Foresight mit Enterprise-Funktionen und 24/7-Support

Alles in Professional-Paket, plus:

  • Custom foresight workflows Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes.
  • Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide foresight reporting that meet your requirements.
  • Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
  • Unlimited read-only users Invite as many read-only colleagues as you need to communicate your innovation efforts.
  • SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
  • API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools.

Alle Features

Centralize your foresight intelligence
Add your own foresight portfolio Create content, use it across the ITONICS Innovation OS, and have your team contribute.
Standard templates Trend, Technology, Opportunity and Inspiration best-practice templates that make it easy to get started.
Advanced search and filter Search and filter functionality to dissect your innovation portfolio via tags and relations.
Tag visualization Explore existing tags in a clustered visualization to get an overview of topics.
Content relations Relate your content to show connections and understand its context and impact.
Network graph Visualize relations and dependencies to identify hot topics and hidden gems.
Personal drafts A place to finalize concepts before publishing to a broader audience.
Import your own foresight portfolio Import your existing content from Excel to organize it all on the ITONICS platform.
Saved searches and filters Conveniently save filters, then share them with colleagues to strengthen common understanding.
Private filters Set specific filter views to private to enable focussed work and reduce clutter.
Template configuration Modify Foresight templates to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.
Export to Excel Export your content to csv/xslx for further collaborative processing.
Automated monitoring Automate monitoring trends, technologies, competitors, and startups.
Custom foresight templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, custom layout and relations.
Export to PDF Export your content as PDF to share with your colleagues and add to presentations.
Element history Track user interaction and individual ratings over time and visualize changes.
Collaborative evaluation
Best-practice ratings Get started with collective evaluation quickly with ITONICS best-practice rating criteria.
Collaborative ratings Rate your innovation opportunities collaboratively to reduce bias and leverage crowd intelligence.
Manage ratings See individual rating information about who rated and when.
Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.
Export and import existing ratings Work on ratings off-platform, or enrich the data with ratings collected externally.
Rating analysis See individual rating details to understand divergent opinions within stakeholder or expert groups.
Rating context Dissect ratings according to user-specific contexts such as geographical location or business unit.
Rating aggregations Combine different ratings to gain insight from aggregated evaluation results.
Engage your community
Comment Share thoughts and encourage discussion with your colleagues to enhance collaboration.
Mention Engage with other colleagues by tagging them in a comment.
Follow/Watch Follow content to get updates on everything that happens within the specific content.
Like See the popularity of content within your community, and quickly indicate your opinion.
Share Share content from the system easily with your colleagues.
Recommended relations Get relevant suggestions to recognize relationships and dependencies.
Recommended tags Get relevant tag suggestions to understand connections quickly and discover new content.
Duplicate detection Prevent creating duplicate content to maintain a well-organized workspace.
Recommended experts Get the right input from experts recommended based on their skills or interests.
Insights & Signals
Explore 20Mill+ signals Scan through extensive data to extract the most pertinent news, patents, and publications.
Auto-generated signals feeds Continuously monitor signals associated with your areas of interest to recognize the most relevant information that requires your attention.
Signals filters Sophisticated filters to help you sift through the noise and find what truly matters.
Trend and technology radars Best-practice radar templates to quickly visualize the impact of trends & technologies.
Radar segmentation Explore and understand your data through hierarchical segmentation and 4-dimensional slicing.
Radar configuration Modify the radar view to reflect what is important to you.
Saved radar view Save your modified radar view to use later and share with colleagues.
Radar export Export your radar to share with your colleagues and add to presentations.
Radar embed Embed your radar views in any webpage or intranet to communicate insights. Add-on available Add-on available Add-on available
Opportunity matrix Best-practice matrix template to quickly visualize what opportunities to focus on.
Quadrants Analyze your portfolio and gain clarity on your focus areas using matrix quadrants.
Saved matrix view Save your modified matrix view to use later and share with colleagues.
Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
Best-practice workflow templates Get started quickly with well-performing workflow templates to streamline your foresight activities. Coming soon Coming soon
Workflow configuration Modify the workflow to reflect your company's existing processes and reporting structures. Coming soon
Custom foresight workflows Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes. Coming soon
Notifications & Alerts
Email notifications Notifications via email inform users about updates to content they follow.
In-app notification Notifications in the software inform users about updates to content they follow.
Notification preferences Users can configure what notifications they receive to suit their preferences Basic Basic Advanced
Notification configuration Modify notifications to suit the preferred communication frequency and style of your stakeholders.
Create newsletter Engage teams and stakeholders with news on innovation developments and results.
System dashboard Get insights about platform usage, general activity stats or baseline content dashboards.
Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide foresight reporting that meet your requirements.
User management
User administration Support the entire user lifecycle from invitation to activation, deactivation to eventual deletion.
User roles and permissions Implement role-based permissions to allocate users to predefined roles.
Roles and permissions configuration Modify the roles and permissions to reflect your company's established structure.
Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
User groups Structure your users with specific teams to reflect organizational structures and share content.
Import and export users Import users to update or add profiles. Export user data for further processing.
Unlimited read-only users Invite as many read-only colleagues as you need to communicate your innovation efforts. Add-on available Add-on available
Security & privacy
Custom terms and conditions Add unique terms and conditions for users to accept before accessing the ITONICS platform.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enhance account protection by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before gaining access to their accounts.
Support & success
Knowledge Base Access self-service help by exploring our how-to articles and best-practice guides.
ITONICS Academy Courses that help you level up your innovation management.
Email and ticket support Experienced service center agents assist you with any functionality, billing or technical issues.
Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
24/7 technical phone support Get in touch with our technical support team via phone to solve urgent requests directly and fast.
Enterprise-grade contracts and billing Our legal team reviews any contracts and billing requests to meet your requirements. Add-on available
Contract and legal review Our legal team reviews any custom contracts and legal topics on request. Add-on available
Compliance support Receive support on WCAG, regulations, security assessments, or pentests. Add-on available
Modify to suit your preferences
Add your branding Adjust the Innovation OS's appearance by using your own logo. Logo only Logo only Logo & color
Configurable landing page Modify your landing page with custom banners and widgets to communicate with users.
Custom landing pages Customize the html and css of your landing page to appeal to users.
Multilingual interface ITONICS provides out-of-the-box English, German and French interfaces.
Regional hosting Choose the regions where you want your ITONICS platform to be hosted. Add-on available
On-premise hosting Your IT team can also host the ITONICS platform on-premise to meet specific requirements. Add-on available
Test environment Your core team can explore new functionalities prior to a new release to get familiar with new functionality or design additional use cases. Add-on available
Webclipper A browser extension that enables seamless clipping of web content directly to your ITONICS platform. Coming soon Add-on available
API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools. Add-on available
Salesforce integration Integrate Salesforce contacts, opportunities, or customers into ITONICS and apply your custom field mapping. Add-on available
Tracxn integration Pull company information from Tracxn into ITONICS and apply your custom field mapping. Add-on available
Crunchbase integration Pull company information from Crunchbase into ITONICS and apply your custom field mapping. Add-on available


Für kleine Teams, mit leistungsstarken Funktionen für die Zusammenarbeit und Best-Practice-Vorlagen

Team beinhaltet:

  • Standard campaign templates Get started quickly with well-performing campaign templates to collect ideas and develop concepts.
  • Standard idea workflow Get started quickly with well-performing workflow templates to streamline your idea funnel.
  • Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.
  • Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
  • Template configuration Modify the Idea template to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.


Für große, verteilte Teams, mit leistungsstarker Konfiguration, SSO und dediziertem Customer Success Manager

Alles in Team-Paket, plus:

  • Custom ideation templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, filters, and relations.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
  • Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
Beliebteste Option


Für globale Teams zur Skalierung des Innovationsmanagements mit Enterprise-Funktionen und 24/7-Support

Alles in Professional-Paket, plus:

  • Custom idea workflow Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes.
  • Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide ideation reporting that meet your requirements.
  • Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
  • Unlimited idea submitters Invite as many idea submitters as you need for your innovation efforts.
  • SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
  • API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools.

Alle Features

Centralize your ideation content
Add your own idea portfolio Create camaigns and ideas to use across the ITONICS Innovation OS, and have your team contribute.
Standard idea template Best-practice idea template that makes it easy to get started and guide your thinking with a proven structure.
Advanced search and filter Search and filter functionality to dissect your ideation portfolio via tags and relations.
Tag visualization Explore existing tags in a clustered visualization to get an overview of topics.
Content relations Relate your content to show connections and understand its context and impact.
Network graph Visualize relations and dependencies to identify hot topics and hidden gems.
Personal drafts A place to finalize concepts before publishing to a broader audience.
Import your own idea portfolio Import your existing idea portfolio from Excel to organize it all on the ITONICS platform.
Saved searched and filters Conveniently save filters, then share them with colleagues to strengthen common understanding.
Private filters Set specific filter views to private to enable focussed work and reduce clutter.
Template configuration Modify the Idea template to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.
Custom ideation templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, filters, and relations.
Export to Excel Export your content to csv/xslx for further collaborative processing.
Export to PDF Export your content as a PDF to share with your colleagues and add to presentations.a
Element history Track user interaction and individual ratings over time and visualize changes.
Collaborative evaluation
Best-practice ratings Get started with collective evaluation quickly with ITONICS best-practice rating criteria.
Collaborative ratings Rate ideas collaboratively to reduce bias and leverage crowd intelligence.
Manage ratings See individual rating information about who rated and when.
Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.
Rating analysis See individual rating details to understand divergent opinions within stakeholder or expert groups.
Rating context Dissect ratings according to user-specific contexts such as geographical location or business unit.
Rating aggregations Combine different ratings to gain insight from aggregated evaluation results.
Export and import existing ratings Work on ratings off-platform, or enrich the data with ratings collected externally.
Engage your community
Comment Share thoughts and encourage discussion with your colleagues to enhance collaboration.
Mention Engage with other colleagues by tagging them in a comment.
Follow/Watch Follow content to get updates on everything that happens within the specific content.
Like See the popularity of content within your community, and quickly indicate your opinion.
Share Share content from the system easily with your colleagues.
Recommended relations Get relevant suggestions to recognize relationships and dependencies.
Recommended tags Get relevant tag suggestions to understand connections quickly and discover new content.
Duplicate detection Prevent creating duplicate content to maintain a well-organized workspace.
Recommended experts Get the right input from experts recommended based on their skills or interests.
Idea matrix Get started quickly with a best-practice matrix template to evaluate idea potential and feasibility.
Quadrants Analyze your ideas portfolio and gain clarity on your focus areas using Matrix quadrants.
Saved matrix view Save your modified matrix to view later and share with colleagues.
Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
Standard idea workflow Get started quickly with well-performing workflow templates to streamline your idea funnel.
Workflow configuration Modify the workflow to reflect your company's existing processes and reporting structures. Coming soon
Custom idea workflow Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes. Coming soon
Ideation campaigns
Standard campaign templates Get started quickly with well-performing campaign templates to collect ideas and develop concepts.
Campaign configuration Modify the campaign template to suit your requirements and encourage participation.
Idea board View your ideas on a Kanban Board to quickly understand workflow status, idea category and more.
Custom idea campaign templates Add your own custom campaign templates that match your preferred processes.
Evaluator management Organize campaigns by assigning the right evaluators and manage submission processes and workflows.
Advanced campaign settings Apply campaign-specific workflows, fields, permissions, and dashboards to suit unique requirements.
Open Innovation
External Gateway Embed a form externally to receive submissions as part of open innovation. Add-on available
Activity points Users get activity points by performing actions on the ITONICS Innovation OS.
Activity point configuration Define the number of activity points every user receives for different actions.
Badges Users get achievement badges by accumulating a set number of activity points.
Badge configuration Customize badges to suit your company's incentive program.
Leaderboard Use leaderboards to get a quick view of participant activities and reward them.
Notifications & Alerts
Email notifications Notifications via email inform users about updates to content they follow.
In-app notification Notifications in the software inform users about updates to content they follow.
Notification preferences Users can configure what notifications they receive to suit their preferences Basic Basic Advanced
Notification configuration Modify notifications to suit the preferred communication frequency and style of your stakeholders.
Create newsletter Engage teams and stakeholders with news on innovation developments and results.
System dashboard Get insights about platform usage, general activity stats or baseline content dashboards.
Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide ideation reporting that meet your requirements.
User management
User administration Support the entire user lifecycle from invitation to activation, deactivation to eventual deletion.
User roles and permissions Implement role-based permissions to allocate users to predefined roles.
Roles and permissions configuration Modify the roles and permissions to reflect your company's established structure.
Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
User groups Structure your users with specific teams to reflect organizational structures and share content.
Import and export users Import users to update or add profiles. Export user data for further processing.
Unlimited idea submitters Invite as many idea submitters as you need for your innovation efforts. Add-on available Add-on available
Security & privacy
Custom terms and conditions Add unique terms and conditions for users to accept before accessing the ITONICS platform.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enhance account protection by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before gaining access to their accounts.
Support & success
Knowledge Base Access self-service help by exploring our how-to articles and best-practice guides.
ITONICS Academy Courses that help you level up your innovation management.
Email and ticket support Experienced service center agents assist you with any functionality, billing or technical issues.
Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
24/7 technical phone support Get in touch with our technical support team via phone to solve urgent requests directly and fast.
Enterprise-grade contracts and billing Our legal team reviews any contracts and billing requests to meet your requirements. Add-on available
Contract and legal review Our legal team reviews any custom contracts and legal topics on request. Add-on available
Compliance support Receive support on WCAG, regulations, security assessments, or pentests. Add-on available
Modify to suit your preferences
Add your branding Adjust the Innovation OS's appearance by using your own logo and color. Logo only Logo only Logo & color
Configurable landing page Modify your landing page with custom banners and widgets to communicate with users.
Custom landing pages Customize the html and css of your landing page to appeal to users.
Multilingual interface ITONICS provides out-of-the-box English, German and French interfaces.
Regional hosting Choose the regions where you want your ITONICS platform to be hosted. Add-on available
On-premise hosting Your IT team can also host the ITONICS platform on-premise to meet specific requirements. Add-on available
Test environment Your core team can explore new functionalities prior to a new release to get familiar with new functionality or design additional use cases. Add-on available
API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools. Add-on available


Für kleine Teams, mit leistungsstarken Funktionen für die Zusammenarbeit, Konfiguration und eigenem Branding

Team beinhaltet:

  • Standard project workflow Get started quickly with well-performing workflow templates to streamline your innovation portfolio.
  • Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
  • Board configuration Modify the board to reflect your company's existing segmentation and processes.
  • Custom roadmaps Modify roadmaps to reflect your company's existing structures, reporting, and processes.
  • Template configuration Modify the project template to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.
  • Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.


Für große, verteilte Teams, mit leistungsstarken Templates, SSO und dediziertem Customer Success Manager

Alles in Team-Paket, plus:

  • Custom project templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, filters, and relations.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
  • Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
Beliebteste Option


Für globale Teams zur Skalierung des Innovationsportfoliomanagements mit Enterprise-Funktionen und 24/7-Support

Alles in Professional-Paket, plus:

  • Custom workflows Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes.
  • Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide portfolio reporting that meet your requirements.
  • Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
  • Unlimited read-only users Invite as many read-only colleagues as you need to communicate your innovation efforts.
  • SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
  • API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools.

Alle Features

Centralize your portfolio intelligence
Add your own project portfolio Create content, use it across the ITONICS Innovation OS, and have your team contribute.
Project template Best-practice project template that make it easy to get started and guide your thinking with a proven structure.
Advanced search and filter Search and filter functionality to dissect your innovation portfolio via tags and relations.
Tag visualization Explore existing tags in a clustered visualization to get an overview of topics.
Content relations Relate your content to show connections and understand its context and impact.
Network graph Visualize relations and dependencies to identify hot topics and hidden gems.
Personal drafts A place to finalize concepts before publishing to a broader audience.
Import your own project portfolio Import your existing content from Excel to organize it all on the ITONICS platform.
Saved searches and filters Conveniently save filters, then share them with colleagues to strengthen common understanding.
Private filters Set your filter views to private to enable focussed work and reduce clutter.
Template configuration Modify the project template to reflect your existing segmentations, reporting and processes.
Custom project templates Add your own custom templates with additional data points, filters, and relations.
Export to Excel Export your content to csv/xslx for further collaborative processing.
Export to PDF Export your content as a PDF to share with your colleagues and add to presentations.
Element history Track user interaction and individual ratings over time and visualize changes.
Collaborative evaluation
Best-practice ratings Get started with collective evaluation quickly with ITONICS best-practice rating criteria.
Collaborative ratings Rate your projects collaboratively to reduce bias and leverage crowd intelligence.
Manage ratings See individual rating information about who rated and when.
Custom ratings Create your own rating criteria based on your unique criteria and processes.
Rating analysis See individual rating details to understand divergent opinions within stakeholder or expert groups.
Rating context Dissect ratings according to user-specific contexts such as geographical location or business unit.
Rating aggregations Combine different ratings to gain insight from aggregated evaluation results.
Export and import existing ratings Work on ratings off-platform, or enrich the data with ratings collected externally.
Engage your community
Comment Share thoughts and encourage discussion with your colleagues to enhance collaboration.
Mention Engage with other colleagues by tagging them in a comment.
Follow/watch Follow content to get updates on everything that happens within the specific content.
Like See the popularity of content within your community, and quickly indicate your opinion.
Share Share content from the system easily with your colleagues.
Recommended relations Get relevant suggestions to recognize relationships and dependencies.
Recommended tags Get relevant tag suggestions to understand connections quickly and discover new content.
Duplicate detection Prevent creating duplicate content to maintain a well-organized workspace.
Recommended experts Get the right input from experts recommended based on their skills or interests.
Project matrix Get started quickly with a best-practice matrix template to evaluate portfolio risk and potential.
Quadrants Analyze your innovation portfolio and gain clarity on your focus areas using matrix quadrants.
Saved matrix views Save your modified matrix to view later and share with colleagues.
Matrix configuration Modify the matrix view to reflect your company's existing terminology and segmentation.
Kanban Board
Project board Get started quickly with a best-practice board template to inform and align your stakeholders.
Saved board views Save your modified board view to reuse and share with colleagues.
Board configuration Modify the board to reflect your company's existing segmentation and processes.
KPI aggregations Aggregate and track KPIs to assess your portfolio for better decision-making.
Standard project workflow Get started quickly with well-performing workflow templates to streamline your innovation portfolio.
Workflow configuration Modify the workflow to reflect your company's existing processes and reporting structures. Coming soon
Custom workflows Add your own custom workflow templates that match your company's processes. Coming soon
Configurable Lists Oversee your entire portfolio through a single, centralized view.
Task templates Get started quickly with well-performing task templates to plan deliverables along designed workflows.
Task configuration Modify task templates to reflect your company's existing structures, reporting, and processes.
Custom task templates Add your own custom task templates that match your company's processes and deliverables.
Innovation roadmap
Roadmap templates Get started quickly with well-performing roadmap templates to communicate your strategic planning.
Roadmap connections Use connections between activities to visualize dependencies and understand critical paths to completion.
Custom roadmaps Modify roadmaps to reflect your company's existing structures, reporting, and processes.
Milestones Use milestones to track and report on important goals and progress.
Milestone configuration Enhance milestones with custom attributes to better document key decisions and overall progress.
Saved roadmap views Save your modified roadmap view to use later and share with colleagues.
Private roadmap views Set your roadmap views to private to enable focussed work and reduce clutter.
Roadmap critical path analysis Use roadmap connections and dependencies to identify critical paths and hurdles.
Roadmap scenarios Add scenarios into roadmaps to consider unforeseen market events.
Roadmap snapshots Save different states of your roadmap for later comparison of previous versions.
Roadmap import and export Import existing data to consolidate everything on one platform or export roadmaps for sharing.
Notifications & Alerts
Email notifications Notifications via email inform users about updates to content they follow.
In-app notification Notifications in the software inform users about updates to content they follow.
Notification preferences Users can configure what notifications they receive to suit their preferences Basic Basic Advanced
Notification configuration Modify notifications to suit the preferred communication frequency and style of your stakeholders.
Create newsletter Engage teams and stakeholders with news on innovation developments and results.
System dashboard Get insights about platform usage, general activity stats or baseline content dashboards.
Reporting dashboards In-depth dashboard charts to provide portfolio reporting that meet your requirements.
User management
User administration Support the entire user lifecycle from invitation to activation, deactivation to eventual deletion.
User roles and permissions Implement role-based permissions to allocate users to predefined roles.
Roles and permissions configuration Modify the roles and permissions to reflect your company's established structure.
Custom roles and permissions Add your own custom roles and responsibilities to match your stakeholder groups.
User groups Structure your users with specific teams to reflect organizational structures and share content.
Import and export users Import users to update or add profiles. Export user data for further processing.cust
Unlimited read-only users Invite as many read-only colleagues as you need to communicate your innovation efforts. Add-on available Add-on available
Security & privacy
Custom terms and conditions Add unique terms and conditions for users to accept before accessing the ITONICS platform.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Simplify the experience with SSO (SAML 2.0) so that users can log in automatically.
SCIM provisioning Synchronize user information between multiple applications via your Identity Provider to reduce data inconsistencies.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enhance account protection by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before gaining access to their accounts.
Support & success
Knowledge Base Access self-service help by exploring our how-to articles and best-practice guides.
ITONICS Academy Courses that help you level up your innovation management.
Email and ticket support Experienced service center agents assist you with any functionality, billing or technical issues.
Dedicated customer success manager Get continuous support from initial kick-off to rolling out your Innovation OS.
24/7 technical phone support Get in touch with our technical support team via phone to solve urgent requests directly and fast.
Enterprise-grade contracts and billing Our legal team reviews any contracts and billing requests to meet your requirements. Add-on available
Contract and legal review Our legal team reviews any custom contracts and legal topics on request. Add-on available
Compliance support Receive support on WCAG, regulations, security assessments, or pentests. Add-on available
Modify to suit your preferences
Add your branding Adjust the innovation OS's appearance by using your own logo and color. Logo only Logo only Logo & color
Configurable landing page Modify your landing page with custom banners and widgets to communicate with users.
Custom landing pages Customize the html and css of your landing page to appeal to users.
Multilingual interface ITONICS provides out-of-the-box English, German and French interfaces.
Regional hosting Choose the regions where you want your ITONICS platform to be hosted. Add-on available
On-premise hosting Your IT team can also host the ITONICS platform on-premise to meet specific requirements. Add-on available
Test environment Your core team can explore new functionalities prior to a new release to get familiar with new functionality or design additional use cases. Add-on available
API access A RESTful API including GET, POST, and PUT endpoints to sync data with 3rd party tools. Add-on available

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie funktioniert das Pricing?

ITONICS bietet eine Reihe von Preisplänen an, die auf User in verschiedenen Phasen ihrer Innovationsreise zugeschnitten sind und eine nahtlose Anpassung an Ihr Wachstum gewährleisten. Die Preispläne umfassen vier verschiedene Optionen: Team, Professional und Enterprise. Innerhalb jedes Plans können Sie zwischen drei Produkten wählen, um mit der Lösung zu beginnen, die am besten zu Ihrem Use Case passt. Im Laufe der Zeit können schrittweise zusätzliche Features integriert werden, um ein umfassendes End2End-Innovationsmanagement mit dem #1 Innovation Operating System zu ermöglichen.

Gibt es eine kostenlose Version von ITONICS?

Sie können die Plattform 30 Tage lang kostenlos mit dem ITONICS Innovation OS testen. Kontaktieren Sie uns unter

Wie viele User kann ich auf ITONICS haben?

Sie können eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Usern auf ITONICS haben. Die Anzahl der User, die in jedem Preisplan enthalten ist, unterscheidet sich jedoch. Bei unserem beliebtesten Plan erhalten Sie beispielsweise 5 User für das Produkt Foresight, 150 für Ideation und 15 für das Produkt Portfolio. Sie können natürlich auch später noch User zu Ihrem Plan hinzufügen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf, um User hinzuzufügen!

Welchen Support bietet ITONICS?

ITONICS bietet umfassenden Support durch einen zweistufigen Ansatz: Self-Service-Optionen sowie die Beratung durch unsere erfahrenen Customer Innovation Success Manager. Je nach gewähltem Paket erhalten Sie Zugang zum 24/7-Support und zu einer umfassenden Knowledge Base, um Lösungen für Ihre Fragen zu finden. Sollten Sie weitere Unterstützung benötigen, können Sie bequem Support-Tickets direkt von der Plattform aus erstellen. Außerdem können Sie die kommende ITONICS Academy nutzen oder sich mit Ihrem persönlichen Account Manager in Verbindung setzen, um individuelle Unterstützung zu erhalten.

Welcher Preisplan ist der richtige für mich?

Unsere Pakete wurden entwickelt, um Ihnen einen schnellen Zugang zum #1 Innovation Operating System zu ermöglichen. Sie eignen sich sowohl für Startups, die am Anfang ihrer Reise stehen, als auch für Unternehmen mit globalen Innovationsteams, die fortschrittliche Lösungen zur Verbesserung ihrer bestehenden Strategien benötigen.

Ein beliebtes Angebot unserer Kunden ist der ITONICS Professional Plan, der sich perfekt für Unternehmen mit etablierten Innovationsabläufen eignet, die ihre Initiativen verbessern, verfeinern und erweitern möchten. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, welcher Plan am besten zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passt, stehen Ihnen unsere erfahrenen Produktspezialisten zur Verfügung. Nehmen Sie noch heute Kontakt mit uns auf:

Was ist, wenn ich ein zusätzliches Produkt möchte?

Ganz einfach - setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung und wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl des passenden Produkts. Sobald Ihre Teams mit einem der ITONICS-Produkte vertraut sind, wird die Integration eines weiteren Produkts für zusätzliche Use Cases zum Kinderspiel. Unser nahtloser Onboarding-Prozess sorgt dafür, dass Ihr neues Produkt schnell einsatzbereit ist. Möchten Sie Ihr Angebot erweitern? Dann melden Sie sich via